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My Annual Goals

[2018] Reading List

by ff959 2018. 2. 18.




National Library Board






001. Renegades write the rules (Done 20. Jan) 

「Renegades write the rules」の画像検索結果


002. IDENTITY - Mark Rowclen (Done 15. Jan)

//No Image


003. Visual Communication Design (Done 10. Jan)

Visual Communication Design: An Introduction to Design Concepts in Everyday Experience (Required Reading Range)


004. What I know for sure (Done 16. Feb)

「What I know for sure」の画像検索結果


005. Write better right now

「Write Better Right Now」の画像検索結果


006. Teardrop

「Teardrop book」の画像検索結果


007. Walleye junction

「Walleye junction」の画像検索結果


008. Island living // Done 17. Feb

「Island living linda leigh paul」の画像検索結果


009. 企業参謀ノート[入門編] Done 14. Feb (2nd time) 소장본



010. 월든 / 헨리 데이비드 소로 / 파란 자전거 Done 18. Feb (3번째 읽음) 소장본

「월든 / 헨리 데이비드 소로 / 파란 자전거」の画像検索結果



11. Where you going?: design adventures in Southeast Asia

「Where you Going? design adventures in southeast asia」の画像検索結果


12. Design: The definitive visual history




읽을 책들 / 관심 분야

- Cubism (입체파) 관련

- Goal Setting

- Impressionism(인상파) 관련




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