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Just Memory/PMP

Rita's Process Chart

by ff959 2013. 12. 15.

▪Rita's Process Chart


1. Select project manager

2. Determine company culture and existing systems

3. Collect proesses, procedures, and historical information

4. Divide large projects into phases

5. Understand the business case

6. Uncover initial requirements, assumptions, risks, constraints, and existing agreements

7. Assess project and product feasibiluty within the given constraints

8. Create measurable objectives

9. Develop project charter

10. Idenitfy stakeholders and determine their expectations, influence, and impact


1. Determine how you will plan for each knowledge area

2. Determine detailed requirements

3. Create project scope statement

4. Assess what to purchase and create procurement documents

5. Determine plannng team

6. Create WBS and WBS dictionary

7. Create activit list

8. Create network diagram

9. Estimate resource requirements

10. Determine critical path

11. Develop schedule

12. Develop budget

13. Determine quality standards, processes, and metrics

14. Create process improvement plan

15. Determine all roles and responsibilities

16. Plan communications and stakeholder engagement

17. Perform risk identification, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, and risk response planning

18. Go back-iterations

19. Finalize procurement documents

20. Create change management plan

21. Finalize the "how to execute and control" parts of all management plans

22. Develop realisitic and final PM plan and performance measurement baseline

23. Gain formal approval of the plan

24 Hold kickoff meeting