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Just Memory/PMP

Two Project Management Framework

by ff959 2013. 12. 15.

▪Two Project Management Framework

Practice Exam

1. A  ;Global organizations

2. D  ;Will not always have a home

3. A  ;Expediter and Coordinator is just roles in a weak matrix model 

4. B  ;--C-- matirx organization is more complex communications

5. B  ; 

6. A  ;The project expediter cannot make dieisions

7. A  ;power relation

8. D  ;The whole project does not repeat. Never.

9. D  ;OPM:Organizational project management provides a framework and direction for organizaions strategic goals

10. C;Constraints, or competing demands

11. C; PMIS

12. D;--B--

13. B;--A--The project management process is the same for any industry

14. B;

15. X;--C--that is just recurring process

16. B;--A--

17. A--B--Manufacturing a product is an ongoing process; it is operational work, not project

18. A--C--why? PM is best answer?

19. C; 

20. C;

21. A;

22. A;--D--PMP what is the future?

23. B;--C--Project and Operation ? 

24. B; Program

25. B;

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